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Get Ready for DST! detox equinox retreat seasonal wisdom spring winter Mar 02, 2025

Happy March!

As we prepare for the time shift coming March 9th, I have been getting curious about this question: Why does Daylight Savings Time exist?

This question got me curious about why and when DST is practiced in some states in the US. So I did some research and found out some really...

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Healed People, Heal People detox healing reflection seasonal wisdom self-care spring vitality circle winter Feb 23, 2025

You know that saying, “We can’t love others if we don’t love ourselves?” Well, it might have deeper implications than you originally thought…

There was a moment when I realized that the negative dialogue I subconsciously had going on inside my own head was...

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Friend's Day And Dosa detox recipe spring winter Feb 16, 2025

Back in 2009, while I was living in Brasstown, NC, I became friends with a fabulous Finnish lady named Aino. I always think of Aino this time of year because in Finland, Valentine’s Day is called Friend’s Day.

I love this so much... A day to celebrate friendship is so much...

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At Times Like This: Move AND Breathe dosha quiz self-care vitality circle winter Feb 09, 2025

In this “hustle culture” we currently have, it’s just easier to start to work-work-work right away once we wake up. After all, there’s so much we have to do. And with all the current news in our country, it might be extra difficult to prioritize self-care, never mind relax...

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Sing! Can You Feel Spring Whispering? kapha poem seasonal wisdom spring winter Feb 02, 2025

It's February! Yesterday was Imbolc, the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Crossing the Imbolc threshold feels hopeful because it means Spring is right around the corner.

As someone who used to struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and still mostly dreads...

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Aging Actually INCREASES Abilities! age age gracefully vitality circle winter Jan 26, 2025

 Read that again! 

If that felt shocking to read it’s only because society would have you believe that growing older diminishes your potentiality and you become weaker, less relevant, and limited!

What they want to sell you are more anti-aging creams, diet foods, and tummy...

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This Moment For Humanity ancestors ayurveda healing imbalance mindset reflection seasonal wisdom winter Jan 19, 2025

Take a moment before you continue reading and take a deep breath. Close your eyes and take another.

Can you feel this moment in humanity? So many people, from all walks of life, feel that we are on the cusp of a great shift in our collective reality and within our individual consciousness....

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Heartbreak And Breaking Bread community recipe recipes reflection winter Jan 13, 2025

It's devastating to hear about yet another natural disaster, this time it’s Los Angeles, in the form of dry wind and fire. My heart goes out to all those affected and my hope is for a more resilient rebuild and recovery. As these storms become more frequent and violent, it’s hard to...

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Rebirth Wellness in 2025 ayurveda seasonal wisdom winter Jan 07, 2025

As we begin 2025, with lots of changes on the horizon, I want to implore you that being a passive bystander when it comes to your health and wellbeing is no longer an option.

We are part of nature… which means the solutions to the ways in which we have gotten out of balance (manifesting as...

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Ending 2024 With Wellbeing In Mind digestion gut health seasonal wisdom self-care winter Jan 02, 2025

This is our last newsletter of 2024! What a year it has been. Whew!

I want to finish out this year, by encouraging you to support your digestion and mindset as we go into 2025.

With one holiday celebration week behind us and another on its way, let's do a little gut check-in!

There is no...

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Holiday Treats and January Workshop recipe recipes retreat solstice winter Dec 23, 2024

It was a magical experience to celebrate this year’s Winter Solstice with all who attended the retreat with me yesterday. Above is a screen shot from the Lunar Calendar workshop - each woman made a unique design. 

These gatherings are so heartfelt and nourishing. Our community...

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Restorative Yoga For Winter Dec 16, 2024

Happy Cold Moon - the last full moon of 2024, and aptly named as we head into the official start of Winter.

In this final week before Winter Solstice, what tools do you have for grounding, softening, resting, and cultivating ease?

I invite you into this space to explore... it can be oh so hard...

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How Solstice Can Positively Impact Your Health community reflection retreat seasonal wisdom solstice winter Dec 09, 2024

Do you ever wonder why someone might celebrate the Winter Solstice (the moment when the sun is the furthest away from the Northern Hemisphere)?

Will it really make a difference whether you acknowledge it or not?

Sure, you could argue that Solstice is just another part of our Earth’s yearly...

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The Elements Influence You & Specials autumn ayurveda collaboration detox vata youtube Dec 02, 2024
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and are feeling nourished and connected, and perhaps ready to chill and listen to a podcast. I have one for ya (along with some great Cyber Monday-Friday deals, see below)!
Have you ever wondered why your joints pop more, you might feel more anxious,...
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The Pie Recipe You NEED autumn recipe Nov 25, 2024

This is a recipe I share each year for Thanksgiving, and have made gradual adjustments/improvements to it over the years.

This pie is made creamy by coconut milk, sweetened with maple syrup, and includes wonderful digestive and healing spices. Yet, it's so tasty, you wouldn't know it was so good...

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