Rebirth Wellness in 2025
Jan 07, 2025
As we begin 2025, with lots of changes on the horizon, I want to implore you that being a passive bystander when it comes to your health and wellbeing is no longer an option.
We are part of nature… which means the solutions to the ways in which we have gotten out of balance (manifesting as dis-ease) exist in our kitchens, our gardens, our willingness to connect with ancient wisdom; the seasons, the sun, the moon, the elements.
The imbalance we see on our planet (floods, droughts, earth quakes, pollution, and climate change) is mirrored in each of us. The microcosm reflects the macrocosm and vice versa.
I believe we are ready to rebirth the concept of health inside every person to heal ourselves and the planet. Winter is the time of year to cultivate the internal resources to sustain us in more active seasons ahead.
The systems of cultural creation (including the medical system) are crumbling/composting/
We can connect more deeply into a friendship with our bodies, minds, and spirits. I continually question the current reductionist medical perspective that we are made of up of pieces and parts - everything is connected. We are whole beings!
As we imagine what is possible for our future, we need to be brave enough to surrender the current prescriptive, patriarchal paradigm to alleviate unnecessary suffering. We must cultivate a clear vision where we each live with vibrant health through our daily choices. Ayurveda puts us into this alignment. When we get down to it, the ingredients that create health for each person and the planet are the same.
We can achieve greater health and vitality through connection with the Earth - especially the seasons and how to live in alignment with them, instead of plowing through every day as if it were the same year-round.
I know you feel the difference in the energy of Winter and leanings toward what you need to be healthy as distinct from other parts of the year, but we often question our own inner knowings. I want to support you in honoring them. To get there, it often takes some mentorship before you trust yourself and your connection to the greater picture enough to implement these new ways of living/healing into your life.
If you want to learn more about Winter wellness, I have just the thing for you! The Winter Women’s Wisdom Workshop is happening January 18, 2025 from 10am-12:30pm EST via Zoom. (Recording sent out afterward if you can't attend live).
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let's make 2025 the most healing and nourishing year yet!
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