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Love Being Connected to Earth poem retreat spring vitality circle Apr 22, 2024

Tomorrow is Earth Day! I really love Earth Day because it has been a time of powerful connection for me in the past and I feel like everyday could/should be Earth Day!

Here is a poem to honor the Earth on this day by the fabulous Mary Oliver:

Sleeping in the Forest

I thought the earth

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Millet in the Morning kapha recipe spring vitality circle Apr 08, 2024

It's the eve of the New Moon and Eclipse. Are you feeling it?

I don't have any big insights about the Eclipse or the New Moon at the moment, there are plenty of those out there. What I will say is this: When energies get intense, making sure we are nourished is...

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Balancing Doing With Being ayurveda detox retreat spring Apr 01, 2024

We all learned the principle in physics: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," right?

Knowing this principle of physics is one thing, but how do we apply to our lives?

Here's one way to think about it:

If we are active, achieving, and pushing ourselves, we...

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Springtime Cold Remedy detox medicinal food spring Mar 25, 2024

Springtime colds can be the worst. The damp and chilly qualities of the Earth and Water elements seem to set up camp in the body. The warm sunny days seem to taunt the cold sufferer.

As we know, food can be medicine. So, before you rush out and buy decongestants, anti-inflammatories, or get on...

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Honoring Yourself at Every Life Stage equinox kapha retreat spring Mar 18, 2024

As the transition to Spring arrives with the Equinox this week, I am reminded of the phases of the seasons, and also the phases of life that we all journey through. 

One of the Ayurvedic teachings that I love so much is about honoring our life stages. There are four life...

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What Happens When We Gather ayurveda retreat spring Mar 04, 2024

Happy March!

As we enter the month which holds the true beginning of Spring, I am back to work at home in Floyd, VA but still glowing from my time in Costa Rica last month.

The Thriving Alongside Mother Nature: Yoga & Sacred Creativity Women's Retreat that I recently led in Costa Rica,...

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Nettles = Allergy Relief allergies healing herbs spring Feb 26, 2024


If you have Spring allergies, starting to drink stinging nettles infusion now will help you a lot.

Stinging nettles were my first herbal ally. When I was in my 20s, I was on lots of prescription and over the counter allergy meds every Spring. A friend of mind suggested I start drinking...

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Where Will We Break to Grow? kapha spring Feb 20, 2024

We have about a month until Spring officially arrives.

Do you feel your energy building with the adding of a few minutes of daylight each day?

If we pay attention, we can feel our sap rising, the vitality juice within us eager for more engagement with the external world. 

Here is a poem that...

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Restorative Sleep for Happiness sleep spring summer May 29, 2023

Spring has unfolded its vibrant hues, and we find ourselves in the enchanting embrace of late spring. As the days grow longer and the world bursts forth with newfound energy, we have a unique opportunity to observe and align ourselves with the bountiful wisdom of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian...

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Mother's Day Quiche recipe spring May 15, 2023

Happy Mother's Day to all of us who mother, nourish and tend (that is all of us)!

Here is a healthy, delicious, and fun dish you can make to celebrate the day.

Lighter foods are good for springtime. Spring is a time for eggs and veggies, instead of heavier proteins. So... let's make quiche!

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Earth Day Honoring spring vitality circle Apr 25, 2023

Happy belated Earth Day (it was yesterday)!! But every day can be one of celebrating this amazing planet. 

Today, if only for a moment, touch something from the Earth.

Perhaps just the ground itself.

Maybe place your hands on the Earth or take off your shoes and walk barefoot on...

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Women's Wisdom Workshop spring Apr 03, 2023

Happy April! I have created something new this Spring and I want to make sure you know about it!

After years of offering seasonal One Habit to Thrive Challenges, I am excited to share something new and exciting:  a condensed and potent 2.5 hour workshop!  

I am seeing...

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Give Your Light a Springtime Shine! kapha spring Mar 27, 2023

Try saying this to yourself out loud as an affirmation/intention:

“Fire transform me,

Lead me to my passions,

Fire transform me,

Lead me to my passions,

I choose life, yes!

I choose courage,

To dance among the flames.”

Doesn't that feel amazing?

This is a song we sometimes sing at the...

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Equinox = Springtime Sweet Treat recipe spring Mar 20, 2023

In Springtime we mostly want to focus on the bitter, astringent, and pungent tastes to help clear the liver and cleanse the tissues of the body.

However, every once in a while a sweet treat is nice. The best sweetener for Kapha season (Spring) is honey as it is warming and actually helps to clear...

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Are You Well Adjusted to a Sick Society? detox seasonal wisdom spring Mar 12, 2023

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

This quote has been resounding in my mind for weeks now. I find it to be incredibly poignant.

One of the ways I see that our society is “profoundly sick” is the lack of...

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