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Dosa Recipe & Ethel! recipes vitality circle winter Jan 15, 2024

I want to to introduce you to a wonderful woman named Ethel, who is part of the Vitality Circle. In this video, she explains the incredible breakthroughs she experienced during her first year in the Vitality Circle. She loved it so much she signed up for a second year. 

This year is rolling...

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Make January Magical depression vata vitality circle winter Jan 08, 2024

For many, this time post holidays can be really challenging. Many people I have spoken with lately feel like they have been in a funk. We put lots of time, energy, and attention into the holidays and this time of year feels like a trough after a large wave. Perhaps this poem resonates with how...

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Self-Care Reminders self-care vata winter Dec 26, 2023

It's Christmas Eve today. Whether you celebrate this holiday or not, our culture provides us a break during this time, which can bring up A LOT.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of this time of year, perhaps tinged with grief and loss, I want to take a moment to remind you: You matter. You, attending...

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Solstice Blessings solstice vitality circle winter Dec 18, 2023

The Winter Solstice (the longest night and shortest day of the year) is here. The Solstice represents the end of the pendulum swing from light to dark through the solar year. 

Now is a time of dreaming, intuition, planting seeds of intention, resting more, and rebuilding from any type...

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Amazing Self-Nurturing Opportunities! retreat solstice vata winter Dec 11, 2023

We're approaching the end of the year - a time to reflect, take stock of where we are, and plant seeds of intention for what 2024 will hold.

Tonight is the 4th night of Hanukkah - I have been loving lighting the candles in my menorah (which I inherited from my grandparents) each evening at...

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The Season Of Roasted Roots recipes winter Dec 05, 2023

Happy December! It’s the season of roasted roots in the northern hemisphere.

The cold and dry qualities of Winter can be appeased by us eating more dense, slow cooked vegetables. It’s the season of abundance of sweet potatoes, beets, turnips, and parsnips.

Bake a pan of...

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Time for Sssslllloooowww retreat vata winter Nov 27, 2023

Now that the Thanksgiving holiday has passed, can you sink into the stillness of the season for a bit now and connect deeply within?

Ayurveda teaches us that this time leading up to the Winter Solstice is one of stillness and reflection.

How ironic that culturally we make it one of the most busy...

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Creamy Sweet Potato Soup with Winter Greens & Almond Flour Drop Biscuits recipe winter Feb 02, 2023

Creamy Sweet Potato Soup with Winter Greens (4 servings)

 2 large sweet potatoes

½ onion

2 cloves garlic

1-2 t. chopped fresh ginger

½ t. chopped fresh turmeric or 1⁄4 t. powdered turmeric 

ghee for cooking

1 can coconut milk

salt and pepper to taste

½ t....

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Winter Wisdom Awaits full moon herbs medicinal food seasonal wisdom winter Jan 13, 2023

We just had the first full moon of the new year on Friday and I hope the glow is resonating within you as you embark on this new calendar year. 

I really appreciate hearing from those of you who have been enjoying the "Stroll vs. Scroll" Challenge. The week of the Challenge has ended but you...

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Happy New Year! Stroll with me? age gracefully community evolve gratitude habit evolution imbalance natural flow reflection seasonal wisdom self-care winter Jan 02, 2023

2023 is here! How did you choose to ring in the New Year?

The beginning of a year is a great opportunity to invite in a new perspective in by shifting your habits! 

While I am not a big proponent of New Year's Resolutions (or staying up until midnight, lol) as a way to usher...

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Merry Christmas and Start The Year Strolling age gracefully collaboration gratitude healing seasonal wisdom self-care winter Dec 28, 2022

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!

We are in Charleston today with David's family (we do Christmas with the Grimsleys every year because the Levins do Hanukkah - it's fun).

I hope you are enjoying a cozy late December day, wherever you are.

I have a special present for you too. Well, it's a...

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"Fashionable" Headache Relief ayurveda healing reflect stress winter Dec 11, 2022

Don't you think I look snazzy with this scarf wrapped around my head? I am getting ready for holiday parties. Just kidding!

Despite what you may think, I am not striving to become a trendsetter. Lol! 

What I am actually doing in this picture is treating a headache.

Yes! That is right!

One of...

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Yummy, warm and healthy ayurveda energy habit evolution meditation recipes reflection winter yoga Dec 07, 2022

Happy December!

As we move toward the winter solstice and holidays, staying cozy and nourished will help you navigate this season with ease!

This time of year we need to build our inner vitality, which in Ayurveda is called ojas.

Ojas translates as "our essential vitality sap" which I think...

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Eating in February - Love yourself! detox dosha dosha quiz vata winter Feb 13, 2022

"Sorry, there's no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story."

― Morgan Spurlock, "Don't Eat This Book"

As we round the bend into late winter (depending on where you live in the Northern Hemisphere) this is a great time to pay...

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Tulsi/Holy Basil digestion energy herbs recipes vata winter Jan 30, 2022

Do you have an herbal ally for the Winter? 

An herbal ally is an herb you can turn to that will help you maintain or regain health. One of the best herbal allies for the Winter is Tulsi, or Holy Basil. 

Grown in the summer, Tulsi can be dried and used all Winter long to support the...

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