How Solstice Can Positively Impact Your Health
Dec 09, 2024
Do you ever wonder why someone might celebrate the Winter Solstice (the moment when the sun is the furthest away from the Northern Hemisphere)?
Will it really make a difference whether you acknowledge it or not?
Sure, you could argue that Solstice is just another part of our Earth’s yearly cycle that happens whether or not we choose to notice.
And, yes, we can just go on with our daily lives during the end of the solar year and the beginning of another, without ever noticing it...
However, it is also incredibly beneficial for us, our bodies and souls, to honor and acknowledge the natural thresholds we cross; the ones not architected by humans, through the passage of each year.
This is the time of year to look out the window and notice the moon in the crisp, dark sky and acknowledge to yourself, “now is the season to pause, put less emphasis on the to-do list, and really have a connection to peace and quiet.”
We may think this is optional, but in truth, if we keep living year-round like we are in perpetual summer (pushing for constant growth), our bodies, minds, and spirits will suffer. Dis-ease will manifest from not aligning with a fallow season (rest and dreaming) for at least a small portion of the year.
As women, we know cycles are inherent in our lives, and yet it can be challenging to truly align with them.
Just like the plants who have seasons of growth and others for dying back to the root, we too can store up energy and dreams for the growing seasons to come. We too will greatly benefit from cultivating ways to balance out all the external focus and “doing,” that is so endemic in our culture.
Honoring the Winter Solstice can help us be more in the present, to be aware of Nature’s beauty & wisdom, giving us a clearer mind for reflection.
This in turn, creates greater vitality and ease in our lives. Over years of honoring the shifts in seasons, and more of nature's rhythms, the ease proliferates and health becomes bountiful.
We will gather as a circle of women, online for 4 hours on December 21, to celebrate and deepen into the Winter Solstice time together.
Through Yoga, Ayurvedic wisdom for the season, and creating a Lunar Calendar for 2025, you will get a chance to pause and nourish yourself in simple yet profound ways that will change how you see yourself and the world around you.
You will leave this retreat with tools to implement for increased vitality this winter, a refreshed spirit, and beautiful connections with like-minded women.
Join the Winter Solstice Retreat HERE. I look forward to honoring this powerful and nourishing time of the year together.
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