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Thank You, 2023! ayurveda collaboration gratitude vitality circle Jan 01, 2024

Happy New Year’s!

2023 has been quite a year hasn't it?

Thank you all for your engagement with Heartfelt Wellbeing in 2023! Whether you have invested in one of my programs, come to an in-person retreat, joined me for yoga or an Ayurveda talk, or just looked at my social media posts, I...

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Merry Christmas and Start The Year Strolling age gracefully collaboration gratitude healing seasonal wisdom self-care winter Dec 28, 2022

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!

We are in Charleston today with David's family (we do Christmas with the Grimsleys every year because the Levins do Hanukkah - it's fun).

I hope you are enjoying a cozy late December day, wherever you are.

I have a special present for you too. Well, it's a...

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Declaration of Interdependence collaboration gratitude mindset reflect Jul 04, 2021

I wish you a happy 4th of July. May this inspire you...

 My Declaration of Interdependence by Deborah Fryer 

I declare myself free from stories that speak of lack in any way about myself or others. 

I am growing.

I am learning.

I am leaning into life. 

I declare myself free...

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Mentoring From Your Future Self age age gracefully collaboration mindset purpose reflect Aug 11, 2019

Some of my biggest challenges in the work I do are helping people see that they are not stuck in the current reality of their lives, that change is possible, and a very different life is awaiting them if they are willing to make some changes. After working with me, many clients share comments...

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