Thank You, 2023!
Jan 01, 2024
Happy New Year’s!
2023 has been quite a year hasn't it?
Thank you all for your engagement with Heartfelt Wellbeing in 2023! Whether you have invested in one of my programs, come to an in-person retreat, joined me for yoga or an Ayurveda talk, or just looked at my social media posts, I couldn’t do what I do without YOU!!
I have a lot of gratitude for all that I have learned, the ways I have grown, the connections I have experienced, and the continued explorations of what it means to be human. I am stronger, happier, and more connected knowing all of you!
Some highlights (in chronological order) for me in 2023 were co-leading the Habit Maker's Retreat in Abingdon, VA with Robyn Raines and the Spring Rejuvenation Retreat in Golden, CO with Kate King, attending my first NAMA conference, growing an awesome garden with David that fed us well for 3 seasons, being with family at my cousin's wedding in MN, graduating with my Ayurveda Practitioner certification, attending goddess retreats in Floyd, VA, leading a Yoga, Ayurveda and Creativity Retreat in Marshall, NC, celebrating my dad's 75th birthday, a yurt adventure with Juniper, getting to attend a lovely retreat with David at Gray Bear in TN, Thanksgiving with friends & family, starting to learn Continuum, making pottery, and sometimes practicing guitar, Spanish, and creating recipes.
Additionally, I celebrate finding more balance among work/family/spiritual life/creative outlets/play, working with a great team at Heartfelt Wellbeing (how do the most amazing people find their way to this community?), connecting more with my insta-family, and cultivating a more expansive evolutionary community.
I also grew from challenging moments, especially the challenges of continued heartbreak happening in our world, and personally being diagnosed with Alpha Gal Syndrome. These aspects of life are teaching me more about how I want to show up in the world as well as areas where I am ready to let go, transform, or need/want to seek growth next.
What stands out to you from your journey through 2023? Here's to celebrating, honoring, and receiving the lessons.
Now. Let's get 2024 off to a great start!
The Stroll Vs. Scroll Challenge starts tomorrow! This is an on your honor experience. The invitation is to wake up for the first 7 days of 2024 and get outside for a stroll before you look at any screens. Start the new year off with clarity, simplicity and connectivity. I will be inviting people to share about their experience on January 9th on a Facebook live at 12:30pm.
The first meeting of our Yamas and Niyamas Book Club is this Wednesday, January 3! This is a low pressure, free, yearlong experience for those wanting to deepen into the yogic teachings in community. See you there (on Zoom)!
I am heading to Beaufort, NC this coming week to lead the Women's Wellness New Year's Retreat (January 5-8, 2024) and then will be co-leading the Habit Maker's Retreat in Abingdon, VA (January 12-14, 2024). I am excited to be with the groups of women gathering to intentionally start out this year.
I am planning to lead 8 retreats in 2024 and would love to see you at one of them!! There truly is nothing like being with this community in person.
Cheers to making 2024 a year of even more growth, connectivity, and ease.
Stay safe! Get ready to stroll in the morning!
Much love and light,
ps- The doors to the next cohort of the Vitality Circle will be open in January. If you are interested in a year of intentional evolution in your physical health, relationships, and emotional awareness, reach out to me after reading this.
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