The Elements Influence You & Specials

autumn ayurveda collaboration detox vata youtube Dec 02, 2024
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and are feeling nourished and connected, and perhaps ready to chill and listen to a podcast. I have one for ya (along with some great Cyber Monday-Friday deals, see below)!
Have you ever wondered why your joints pop more, you might feel more anxious, and your muscles feel tighter this time of year? Perhaps you feel your creative juices flowing and you can lose yourself in projects for hours?
All of these experiences are aspects of Vata Dosha (the energy type comprised of Air and Space).
My Canadian friend, and fellow Ayurveda and Yoga teacher, Jill Novak, recently invited me to be a guest on the Sister Science Podcast to chat all about Vata in the winter. Jill is always inspiring to talk with and I love that we have different ways of teaching the same things. It was a fun conversation and I know you will get a lot out of it.
Listen on Spotify or watch on YouTube.
If you give this a listen and feel like reaching out, I would love to know what your biggest "aha's" are from this podcast! Just reply to this email.
May your days be cozy, and your Vata balanced, as we enter December!


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