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Can you actually change your habits? age gracefully habit evolution self-care weight loss Jan 31, 2023

Want to know how to change your habits? 

Habits are what we repeatedly do, which ultimately create the outcomes in our lives.

Habit triggers are what make our habits actually happen. A list of them can be found above. 

Once you understand how important habit triggers are, you can change...

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Do you want healthcare or sickcare? age gracefully ayurveda habit evolution healing medicinal food natural flow Jan 23, 2023

It might be an unpopular opinion, but I believe that health care should be inspiring, fun, and full of curiosity. Being in a body is an incredible experience!

What we currently call "health care" is actually "sick care" because our systems are built on the premise that we don't do anything until...

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Happy New Year! Stroll with me? age gracefully community evolve gratitude habit evolution imbalance natural flow reflection seasonal wisdom self-care winter Jan 02, 2023

2023 is here! How did you choose to ring in the New Year?

The beginning of a year is a great opportunity to invite in a new perspective in by shifting your habits! 

While I am not a big proponent of New Year's Resolutions (or staying up until midnight, lol) as a way to usher...

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Merry Christmas and Start The Year Strolling age gracefully collaboration gratitude healing seasonal wisdom self-care winter Dec 28, 2022

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!

We are in Charleston today with David's family (we do Christmas with the Grimsleys every year because the Levins do Hanukkah - it's fun).

I hope you are enjoying a cozy late December day, wherever you are.

I have a special present for you too. Well, it's a...

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The wisdom of Cranberry (& Holiday Thrival) age gracefully autumn gratitude habit evolution recipes seasonal wisdom Nov 21, 2022

I got so many amazing responses from last week's newsletter, The 3pm Water Chug! What results are you noticing from that simple support of hydration now?

It's almost Thanksgiving here in the US. If you are like me, you are planning and prepping food for the big day later this week. This has...

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The 3pm Water Chug age gracefully autumn habit evolution self-care Nov 14, 2022

Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference.

"Simple but not always easy"  might be our motto for implementing new habits amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Autumn is a time when the dry quality becomes more prevalent in the natural world. The...

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Community is medicine! age gracefully community one habit to thrive purpose reflect Oct 16, 2022

Have you ever had the feeling of being totally accepted and celebrated for who you are within a powerful community of like-minded women?
Yes, you! With all your quirks and imperfections!
When we are on an evolutionary growth path, it is crucial to share the journey with others who are...

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Caring For Your Eyes Through Ayurveda age gracefully ayurveda pitta sensory summer Jun 05, 2022

Summer is here in the Northern Hemisphere and it is a powerful time to connect with the sense organ related to pitta dosha (fire/digestive energy): the eyes!

In Ayurveda, sensory organ self-care is one of the best tools we have for aging gracefully and keeping the nervous system in balance. ...

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Healing Trauma with Yoga age gracefully healing yoga Apr 17, 2022

Happy Easter, Passover, and Ramadan. These holidays of redemption can inspire us to focus on our own healing.

This past week I had the pleasure of interviewing Becca Odom, therapist and fellow yoga teacher, about the power of yoga to heal trauma. It was an incredibly inspiring conversation. Becca...

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Are you willing to feel good? age gracefully community healing vitality circle Mar 06, 2022

How much of the TIME are you willing to feel good?

This is a question I ask myself a lot these days. With so much suffering in the world (including a war raging in my ancestral homeland), and personal struggles arising for all of us from time to time, it can sometimes seem like feeling...

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What your tongue can tell you age gracefully autumn ayurveda detox digestion gut health healing spring Feb 27, 2022

As Spring approaches, it's time for us to do Spring Cleaning. That doesn't just mean clearing out your closets and going through the paper piles that have accumulated in the corners of your home. It also means that it's time to clean out your body. Time for a seasonal detox!

How do...

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Do you choose Conscious Evolution? age gracefully ayurveda habit evolution reflection vitality circle Feb 06, 2022

"What's changed for me is that I am finally excited about getting old. I am excited about the health and vitality I will have for the rest of my life." - Amy Wood, Vitality Circle Member

You are not the same person you were a decade ago, a year ago, or even yesterday.

There has been a long held...

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Looking back at 2021 and looking ahead age gracefully gratitude reflection Jan 02, 2022

On New Year's Eve, David and I made lists of what we were most proud of in 2021. It was pretty awesome to see that amidst the changes inherent in our current world, we made amazing progress this year. I was very inspired to build a lot this year, spurred by the need for healing, community,...

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Doors are OPEN! age gracefully healing purpose self-care vitality circle Oct 24, 2021

My mission is to alleviate unnecessary suffering in the world. This is why I have dedicated myself to becoming the best Ayurveda practitioner, Health Coach, and fellow human that I can be. I strive to reach people near and far who are ready to thrive. This is the key to changing our world for...

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Side Benefits vs. Side Effects age gracefully dosha quiz healing one habit to thrive purpose reflect sleep Aug 01, 2021

“The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.” -Shubhra Krishan

20 years!

That is how long I suffered with chronic allergies, insomnia, constipation, weight gain, and anxiety. And then I found Ayurveda.

Practicing this new-found...

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