Grow Radical with Age
Nov 19, 2024
Aging is a beautiful gift, and yet many of us find it difficult embracing our age, as time marches on.
The current Western obsession with youth is arguably the root of many of our cultural and societal issues. This is a relatively new development in human history, as in our not-so-distant past, village elders held council, drawing from the well of collective experience to guide communities to better outcomes. Bodies were not shunned for wrinkles and knots, as the wisdom an elder carried was vital to the survival of the clan. Here's a little secret: Wisdom doesn't sell. Youth sells.
This is and example of imbalanced Pitta dosha, elbowing everyone else out of the way! Fast, hot, burning, sexy. Nice car! No time for you, Boomer! Here's lookin' at you, kid... all through the lens of Ayurveda.
Think of the implications if suddenly Western society looked through this lens; if we simply learned to appreciate, celebrate, and tend to our bodies at every age? We would have inner peace and the cosmetic, diet, clothing, and pharmaceutical industries would be scrambling.
Living an Ayurvedic lifestyle turns our culture of dis-satisfaction with the Self on its head, because it truly helps us appreciate where we are in each phase of our life span, while tending our individual health spans. We can have a huge say in how the aging process unfolds for us through our food, lifestyle, and mindset choices.
By nourishing ourselves in body, mind, and spirit, we remain radiant & engaged, and also continue to grow in empathy, compassion, and perspective.
Aligning ourselves with the rhythms of nature and our individual constitutions allows us to glow from the inside out. Aging through the lens of Ayurveda can mean more radiance and wisdom, if we are willing to look through the looking glass and alter the story.
No one I have ever worked with has ever said that their life was less rich, less fulfilling, or less abundant after learning and practicing the habits of Ayurveda. In fact, most report that they only wish they could have looked through that looking glass earlier in their lives, implementing Ayurvedic practices decades earlier, and thereby saving years of unnecessary suffering.
"Women grow radical with age. One day, an army of grey-haired women may quietly take over the earth." - Gloria Steinem
Are you on board with changing this paradigm with me? Let's make Gloria's prediction a reality. What the world needs now is grandmother wisdom. This is Ayurveda!
If you would like to schedule a 30 minute chat with me to discuss how Ayurveda can support your goals for vibrant aging, you can schedule a call with me HERE.
Stay tuned for next week when I will share my updated, healthy sweet potato/butternut squash pie recipe with you. It's perfect for Thanksgiving.
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