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"Fashionable" Headache Relief ayurveda healing reflect stress winter Dec 11, 2022

Don't you think I look snazzy with this scarf wrapped around my head? I am getting ready for holiday parties. Just kidding!

Despite what you may think, I am not striving to become a trendsetter. Lol! 

What I am actually doing in this picture is treating a headache.

Yes! That is right!

One of...

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Community is medicine! age gracefully community one habit to thrive purpose reflect Oct 16, 2022

Have you ever had the feeling of being totally accepted and celebrated for who you are within a powerful community of like-minded women?
Yes, you! With all your quirks and imperfections!
When we are on an evolutionary growth path, it is crucial to share the journey with others who are...

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Thank you for an amazing 2021 purpose reflect Dec 26, 2021

I hope you are having a nourishing holiday time, whatever that means for you.

This time of year can be so varied. It can be a welcome break for relaxation, and it can also be challenging, connecting, lonely, happy, sad, nourishing, frustrating, and sometimes all of these things at once. I am...

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Solstice Reflections poem reflect solstice winter Dec 19, 2021

In this time of longest nights, the natural world encourages us to get quiet, to do the inner work to illuminate what is in the shadows and prepare for the coming solar year.

The Winter Solstice offers us many lessons amidst the challenges of our changing world. When we create light in the...

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A Deepening of Halloween autumn ayurveda reflect Oct 31, 2021
I am so grateful for this incredible community and have been enjoying a low-key weekend of cozy time at home.
And now, it's Halloween! Happy Halloween!
This macabre holiday has taken on more meaning for me since learning more about its roots. One of my teachers, Corinna Wood,...
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Is Mindfulness Impossible? gratitude meditation mindset reflect Sep 19, 2021

"Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience." - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Do you feel like mindfulness is impossible?

Is it an abstract concept that feels inaccessible?

Allow me to break it down for you: Mindfulness is the experience of being present and grateful for whatever the...

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Get outside! imbalance natural flow pitta reflect Aug 15, 2021

“Just being surrounded by bountiful nature rejuvenates and inspires us.“ – EO Wilson (Theory of Biophilia)

I spent the last 3 days backpacking with my bonus-daughter, Juniper.

I am pausing my pitta imbalance series to bring you encouragement to get outside because I so needed...

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Side Benefits vs. Side Effects age gracefully dosha quiz healing one habit to thrive purpose reflect sleep Aug 01, 2021

“The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.” -Shubhra Krishan

20 years!

That is how long I suffered with chronic allergies, insomnia, constipation, weight gain, and anxiety. And then I found Ayurveda.

Practicing this new-found...

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Does crossing your fingers prevent disease? age gracefully ayurveda healing one habit to thrive reflect vitality circle Jul 25, 2021
In my program the Vitality Circle, I frequently hear members say: "Why didn't we learn this stuff in elementary school?" or "I wish I knew this earlier in my life, it would have saved me a lot of time, misery, and money!" What these women are referring to is the wisdom of Ayurveda - what I like...
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Declaration of Interdependence collaboration gratitude mindset reflect Jul 04, 2021

I wish you a happy 4th of July. May this inspire you...

 My Declaration of Interdependence by Deborah Fryer 

I declare myself free from stories that speak of lack in any way about myself or others. 

I am growing.

I am learning.

I am leaning into life. 

I declare myself free...

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Being off, so you can be ON! ayurveda healing mindset purpose reflect self-care stress Jun 06, 2021

I am packing up my sleeping bag, preparing breakfast and getting ready for my second day on the trail. My phone will be turned off and left at home for the entire weekend and my eyes will be taking a break from focusing on a computer screen.  

Evie, my inner efficiency/taskmaster voice is...

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Earth Wisdom ayurveda dosha kapha mindset natural flow reflect spring yoga Apr 25, 2021
This past Thursday was Earth Day. Let's honor Earth Wisdom! 
This amazing planet that sustains us, with all of its changing forms and seasons, is truly miraculous. Let's make every day Earth Day!
In Ayurveda, the Earth element (which is predominant in Springtime) teaches us...
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Gratitude Feast autumn gratitude reflect Nov 24, 2019

Thanks- Giving, Giving Thanks, Feast of Gratitude, Grateful feast...  

For us living in the US, Thanksgiving is this Thursday. It’s become a holiday focused on eating. I love creating an amazing, homemade feast and celebrating the bounty of the season!

Having this pause for a...

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Tarpana = Honoring the Ancestors age gracefully ayurveda gratitude meditation reflect Sep 22, 2019

Most of us live our lives focused on the future while carrying burdens from the past. Sometimes those burdens aren't even our own, but have been handed down through the generations.  
Many cultures around the world have celebrations and rituals focused on honoring the ancestors. In these...

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Mentoring From Your Future Self age age gracefully collaboration mindset purpose reflect Aug 11, 2019

Some of my biggest challenges in the work I do are helping people see that they are not stuck in the current reality of their lives, that change is possible, and a very different life is awaiting them if they are willing to make some changes. After working with me, many clients share comments...

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