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Vata Season Tips = Balance autumn gunas imbalance self-care vata Oct 03, 2022

Each season carries with it distinct qualities. These qualities show up as descriptive words like Autumn is cool, Summer is hot, Spring is wet.

GUNA is the Sanskrit word for "quality."

As we move into Vata season of Autumn, we will experience more of the qualities, or gunas, of Vata: cold, dry,...

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Finding Balance at Equinox ayurveda gunas imbalance kapha pitta vata Mar 21, 2021

We are shifting into longer days than nights starting NOW! This is a brief time of equal balance of night and day, dark and light. How do you balance these opposites within yourself?

Ayurveda is based on 10 pairs of opposites, called Gunas or qualities, that help us create balance. The awesome...

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