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Thank You, 2023! ayurveda collaboration gratitude vitality circle Jan 01, 2024

Happy New Year’s!

2023 has been quite a year hasn't it?

Thank you all for your engagement with Heartfelt Wellbeing in 2023! Whether you have invested in one of my programs, come to an in-person retreat, joined me for yoga or an Ayurveda talk, or just looked at my social media posts, I...

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Happy New Year! Stroll with me? age gracefully community evolve gratitude habit evolution imbalance natural flow reflection seasonal wisdom self-care winter Jan 02, 2023

2023 is here! How did you choose to ring in the New Year?

The beginning of a year is a great opportunity to invite in a new perspective in by shifting your habits! 

While I am not a big proponent of New Year's Resolutions (or staying up until midnight, lol) as a way to usher...

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Merry Christmas and Start The Year Strolling age gracefully collaboration gratitude healing seasonal wisdom self-care winter Dec 28, 2022

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!

We are in Charleston today with David's family (we do Christmas with the Grimsleys every year because the Levins do Hanukkah - it's fun).

I hope you are enjoying a cozy late December day, wherever you are.

I have a special present for you too. Well, it's a...

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Hanukkah & Solstice Blessings anxiety gratitude healing natural flow reflection seasonal wisdom self-care solstice Dec 18, 2022

The eight nights of Hanukkah begin today at sundown and Solstice is part of that time, taking place in 3 days on December 21 (the shortest day and longest night). Both are celebrations of life and light amidst the darkness. 

I love the story of Hanukkah, which basically boils down to a...

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The wisdom of Cranberry (& Holiday Thrival) age gracefully autumn gratitude habit evolution recipes seasonal wisdom Nov 21, 2022

I got so many amazing responses from last week's newsletter, The 3pm Water Chug! What results are you noticing from that simple support of hydration now?

It's almost Thanksgiving here in the US. If you are like me, you are planning and prepping food for the big day later this week. This has...

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Appreciating Ancestors autumn detox gratitude reflection vitality circle Sep 19, 2022

Autumn is a time for us to harvest the lessons we have learned from the preceding seasons of our lives. 

 It's also a powerful time to honor our ancestors, those who came before us, like our grandparents. 

 Today (September 11) is Grandparent's Day and therefore, I would like...

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Gifts From The Masculine gratitude pitta purpose summer Jun 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day!

Here is a recent picture of my dad, Rob Levin, and me.

He is a glassblower, sculptor, musician, and an awesome father.

My daddy-o also introduced me to herbal medicine, yoga, and using food for healing.

When I was a kid, my dad would make lots of home remedies to heal me...

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Looking back at 2021 and looking ahead age gracefully gratitude reflection Jan 02, 2022

On New Year's Eve, David and I made lists of what we were most proud of in 2021. It was pretty awesome to see that amidst the changes inherent in our current world, we made amazing progress this year. I was very inspired to build a lot this year, spurred by the need for healing, community,...

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How Nature Nourishes autumn ayurveda gratitude natural flow vata Nov 28, 2021

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

In this time of giving thanks, I want to acknowledge how nature sustains us.

Without the natural world, we could not exist.

Nature sustains us physically by gifting us food and medicine (plants and animals), heating sources, the air that we breathe, the...

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3 tips for GREAT Thanksgiving digestion ayurveda digestion gratitude mindset Nov 21, 2021
Do you look forward to the feast of Thanksgiving, but know that you will likely feel less than stellar after the meal, either because you ate too much or things didn't sit well with you? 
 Since this Thanksgiving will likely be very different from past Thanksgivings due to the Covid...
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Equinox Invitations autumn ayurveda equinox gratitude natural flow Sep 26, 2021

Equal hours of light and darkness. We celebrate the balance of the season and ask all the unseen forces to bless us. For all that is bad, there is good. For that which is despair, there is hope. For the moments of pain, there are moments of love. For all that falls, there is the chance to rise...

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Is Mindfulness Impossible? gratitude meditation mindset reflect Sep 19, 2021

"Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience." - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Do you feel like mindfulness is impossible?

Is it an abstract concept that feels inaccessible?

Allow me to break it down for you: Mindfulness is the experience of being present and grateful for whatever the...

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Declaration of Interdependence collaboration gratitude mindset reflect Jul 04, 2021

I wish you a happy 4th of July. May this inspire you...

 My Declaration of Interdependence by Deborah Fryer 

I declare myself free from stories that speak of lack in any way about myself or others. 

I am growing.

I am learning.

I am leaning into life. 

I declare myself free...

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A Little Listen for Father's Day ayurveda gratitude purpose solstice summer yoga Jun 20, 2021

My father, artist and musician Rob Levin, has been a huge influence in my life. From yoga, natural health explorations, music, and art, he has been one of my greatest teachers.

I was recently interviewed on the amazing podcast Fain House Radio about my life from the perspective of being a...

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Intuitive Eating ayurveda digestion gratitude mindset vitality circle weight loss May 16, 2021
During recent meetings with clients in the Vitality Circle, I have found the conversation guided to discussions about intuitive eating. I feel inspired to bring it to the larger conversation with you. 
What is intuitive eating? 
While this term is quite the buzz phrase...
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