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What Will Support Your Evolution in 2024? ayurveda community digestion dosha self-care vitality circle Jan 29, 2024

Have you noticed there is an owner's manual for the appliances we buy, and even for our cars, but we remain the greatest mystery to ourselves? We are perplexed by our own behaviors, bodies, and experiences.  

This means we know more about how our washing machine...

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Raw vs. Cooked Food ayurveda constipation dosha dosha quiz gut health May 22, 2023

As more and more fresh foods come into season, you may be wondering about when to eat raw vs. cooked food.

If you have been following me for a while, or have studied Ayurveda elsewhere, you know that when the weather is cold, we focus on eating warm, cooked foods. This supports the digestive...

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Eating in February - Love yourself! detox dosha dosha quiz vata winter Feb 13, 2022

"Sorry, there's no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story."

― Morgan Spurlock, "Don't Eat This Book"

As we round the bend into late winter (depending on where you live in the Northern Hemisphere) this is a great time to pay...

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What is Pitta imbalance? ayurveda digestion dosha imbalance mindset pitta summer Aug 08, 2021

“Of all the fires, love is the only inexhaustible one.” —Pablo Neruda

What are you in love with these days? Love brings peace and ease into our lives which can be a great antidote to the intensity of Summertime.

I have been loving sharing so much about Ayurveda and Mindset...

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Earth Wisdom ayurveda dosha kapha mindset natural flow reflect spring yoga Apr 25, 2021
This past Thursday was Earth Day. Let's honor Earth Wisdom! 
This amazing planet that sustains us, with all of its changing forms and seasons, is truly miraculous. Let's make every day Earth Day!
In Ayurveda, the Earth element (which is predominant in Springtime) teaches us...
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Befriending Kapha ayurveda detox dosha kapha mindset natural flow spring Apr 04, 2021

When people first learn about living in alignment with the seasonal elements in Ayurveda, they are often curious about how they will personally be affected.

The elements in the environment during each season can either challenge or support us. They naturally encourage certain qualities (or ...

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Sending Love to You dosha gratitude kapha reflection spring Feb 14, 2021

Love by May Sarton
Fragile as a spider's web Hanging in space 
Between tall grasses, 
t is torn again and again. 
A passing dog 
Or simply the wind can do it. 
Several times a day I gather myself together 
And spin it again. 
Spiders are patient weavers....

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Soup, the Secret for Getting Through Winter ayurveda dosha imbalance recipes spring vata winter Feb 07, 2021

It's been a rough winter for many of us and we’re only half way through. As we move through the winter and begin to yearn for the spring, we can look to the wisdom of

Ayurveda (Ayur=life, Veda= Wisdom) to understand how to manage the cold and dampness of late winter. In Ayurveda, Winter is...

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Ready for Change? dosha kapha mindset pitta vata vitality circle Aug 02, 2020


Most people don't realize how powerful they are in designing what they can be, do, and achieve. I find that if I sit down and talk with most people, they share a feeling of being stuck in some area of their lives. Limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and...

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What's Your Constitution? ayurveda dosha dosha quiz kapha pitta vata vitality circle Jan 27, 2019

Understanding your unique combination of elements is the key to a healthier you!

Have you ever wished you had been given an "owner's manual" for your specific body and mind? I certainly have. My physical and mental patterns seemed like a mystery to me for a long time. I often felt like I was a...

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