Savor The End of Summer
Aug 26, 2024
How is late summer going for you?
Life has been over-full since my return from India. It reminds me of the power of presence and surrender (ishvara pranadhana). From talking with friends and clients, I know I am not alone in needing gentle reminders to pause and savor the beauty of this time of year - the bounty of the garden harvest, softening light, and cooler mornings.
Late summer can be busy and intense... and it can come with a full spectrum of feelings.
Today I simply offer you this poem to enjoy and savor this moment, right here, right now... and allow all to be exactly as it is.
i will make wine
from this time
and drink it
in my old age
on the rocking chair
on some porch
under a warm sun.
it will taste of
and books
with earthy notes
of belly laughter
and mud
and heartache.
i am already
on the memories.
by emory hall
May you honor the miracle that is you! I am so grateful to be on the planet at the same time as you, and to cultivate the attuning with nature we get to do together.
Cheers to all that is ripe and juicy in your life!
With love and light,
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