Invest in Health
Apr 15, 2024
Our Spring detox that started at the beginning of April is trucking right along. We have 48 people doing this 3-week program and experiencing the benefits of a seasonal reset.
We set aside this time to focus on clearing the clutter in our bodies, homes, and minds.
One of the more common issues that folks participating the detox talk about is what it feels like to let go of sugar and alcohol for a period of time. Big insights arise about how both of these substances are addictive and compelling, and yet, we all ultimately feel better without them.
Alcohol is a form of sugar, as are refined carbohydrates.
Sugar is highly addictive to our brains and bodies that haven't changed a whole lot in the last few thousand years. Not too long ago, sweet taste was really only widely available in the summertime when fruit was ripening. It's no accident that sweet taste was most predominant during Pitta season when it could cool the fiery energy of the summer.
Other times of the year, humans would have less sweet taste, having to rely more on root vegetables and grains for sweetness.
The sweet taste, and it's post-digestive effect, is something our physiology and gut microbiome get accustomed to when they are available all the time. This increases acidity and therefore inflammation, which ironically the body interprets as the new homeostasis. When we stop (or decrease) the intake of sugar, we then experience deep cravings that can be really intense because we have upset the metabolic status quo.
I wager that most Americans have some sort of sugar addiction simply because it is in almost everything processed, it is readily available through food, drinks, and alcohol during all seasons of the year, and it feels good to our physiology because sugar is easy to reach for as a masquerading remedy for the stress soup we swim in. The truth is, it makes everything worse.
What happens when we let go of sugar (in all its various forms) and alcohol for 3 weeks?
- New insights emerge about cravings
- The palate changes
- It's easier to lose weight
- Sleep is better
- Mental clarity arises
- We have a better relationship with food
- We experience more energy
Are these outcomes compelling to you? What is your relationship with sugar and alcohol like these days?
Speaking of personal evolution and revolution... Yesterday was my 46th Birthday! I am so grateful for this life. Thank YOU for being part of it!
In honor of embarking on my next trip around the sun, I am offering 46% off of my online course for busy women, called Evolve for this week only.
Evolve focuses on women’s health through the lens of Ayurveda. It consists of 12 modules of pre-recorded videos to support you to integrate simple Ayurveda into your life. You can engage with the modules as quickly or slowly as you like. We also have a facebook group run by my assistant, Laura Hendricks. There are workbook pages for each module and we meet live as a community for a Q & A session with me and Laura every other month. And… Evolve has lifetime membership (as long as this course is running, you have access to it)!
Through Evolve we focus on three main areas of health: Sleep, Food, and Movement. This is a way to dip your toe into this world of Ayurveda (a step closer to Vitality Circle), begin to understand yourself constitutionally, and start to align with the rhythms of nature. When your body, mind and spirit are in rhythm, health is the natural outcome.
Don’t miss out on this amazing offer! Use the code BIRTHDAY46 to register HERE.
And, if you would like ongoing support for the next year, in becoming more aligned with what you put into your body, check out the Vitality Circle, my year-long evolutionary Ayurveda program for women. It includes 1:1 and group coaching, mentorship, 2 detoxes, and 4 online solstice and equinox retreats, and more.
If you are interested in exploring joining the Vitality Circle please check out the info page and schedule a Clarity Call with me. (By the way, a current Vitality Circle member said she paid for Vitality Circle with the money she would have otherwise spent on wine!) Only 6 spaces are available at this time. Is one of them yours??
Cheers to your Springtime health and wellbeing!
With love and light,
Download the Doshic Clock so you can live in rhythm
for health and happiness.