Happy July! Got Kale? Massage it!
Jul 03, 2023
Happy July!
If you are looking for a dish to take to a 4th of July picnic, I've got just the thing for you! A delicious massaged kale salad - full of vibrant energy and phytonutrients to enjoy along with perhaps less prana-rich fare.
For those of you who have heard my warnings about eating raw when the digestive fire isn't strong enough, you might be able to handle a bit more raw if it is massaged and if it is eaten during the warm/hot summer days.
It's true... In the warmer weather, eating some raw food is easier to digest than at other times of the year.
If raw vegetables tend to feel too cold or rough to you, but you don’t want to cook your veggies, a massaged kale salad can be a nice compromise.
By massaging an acid (vinegar or lemon/lime juice) into the kale, it “cooks” it slightly and begins to break down the cellular structure of the leaves which in turn makes it more digestible.
Here is a massaged kale salad that you might find enjoyable. Feel free to replace or switch out any ingredients to match what you have available.
Hannah’s Massaged Kale Salad
1 large bunch of kale, finely chopped
1 carrot, grated or shredded
2 T. lemon or lime juice
1-2 T. olive oil
1/4 - 1/2 c. walnut pieces, cashews, pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds
1/4 - 1/2 c. goat cheese or cashew cheese, crumbled
salt, garlic powder, and pepper to taste
Massage kale with olive oil and lemon/lime juice until it is limp. Mix in other ingredients and enjoy.
This can be a side dish, or a great lighter dinner.
It is best to eat this at room temperature because cold foods also are challenging to digest.
Help support your digestion by feeding yourself well. Let me know what you think of this recipe!
If you are interested in diving more deeply into eating aligned with the season, check out my offerings. https://www.heartfeltwellbeing.com/
Have an awesome holiday weekend and take good care of yourself.
With love and light,
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