Autumn Equinox Creativity

ancestors autumn detox equinox retreat vata Sep 23, 2024

Happy Autumn Equinox! We had a wonderful Autumn Equinox retreat yesterday - so nourishing with Ayurveda, yoga, drawing, poetry, and community connection. Thanks to everyone who attended. 

The actual Autumn Equinox arrives TODAY, Sunday, September 22, 2024. For those living in the Eastern Time Zone of the US, the Equinox will occur at 8:44am.

How do you celebrate the Equinox? Maybe you haven't ever really thought about it as a focus for celebration before. And yet, it's a significant threshold to cross. At this moment, day and night are equal, and then nights start getting longer through Autumn into Winter. 

Vata season (Autumn and Early Winter) is a great time of year to tap into creative outlets. Sing, draw, dance, collage, etc. Letting your creative juices flow is a wonderful way to honor the Equinox and align with Vata season energy.

I led one such Autumnal Art experience during the Equinox Retreat yesterday. We created leaf rubbing wreaths (paper, leaves, and crayons) and a poem that worked kinda like "madlibs."

Want to try this process? Go outside and gather a bunch of small leaves, ferns, or grasses. Also, observe the natural world around you for a while. Write down 3 adjectives, 3 verbs, and 3 nouns from what you take in with your senses. 

Return to your supplies and arrange the leaves in a circle on the table, put the paper on top and rub the crayons over them to create a leaf rubbing circle. 


 Now, create an original poem by completing the following, using the words you wrote while observing nature:

"In this (adjective) Autumn, make me (adjective) like a (noun).

May I be able to (verb) and (verb) like a (adjective) (noun).

I am here now to (verb).

May I learn deeply from." 

 Then, write the poem you created in the middle of your leaf rubbing circle. Here is an example of what I created during the Equinox art workshop:

 Isn't it fun to be creative? It keeps your juices flowing in the dry time of year. 

May the season ahead bring you much joy as we let go of the intensity of summer and release any burdens we are ready to stop carrying.

Let's be inspired by the trees as they release their leaves in the weeks ahead. Each one a blessing of release. May we welcome the changes that letting go allows. 

 With love and light,


 ps- Next up is the Autumn Detox, diving deeper into the wisdom of the season, supporting our wellbeing through nourishment on all levels. September 30 - October 21, 2024. Don't miss out! The orientation module opens tomorrow so you can get prepared with ease, and we will start on September 30. 

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