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Healthy Pie recipes vata winter Nov 14, 2021
If you are anything like me, getting to have yummy (and healthy) pie at Thanksgiving is key to a nourishing holiday.
I have shared this recipe in this community for the past couple of years and I have decided to make it an annual tradition. I look forward to making it again this week.
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Summer Foods To Cool And Refresh digestion imbalance pitta recipes summer Jun 13, 2021

Are you feeling a shift in your food cravings lately? Perhaps your usual standby foods are feeling too heavy, salty, or spicy.

If you want to feel more excited by your summer plate, may I suggest some alternatives to what you are eating, balancing the heat and allowing your body to cool...

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Memorial Day (Special Drink) pitta recipes summer May 30, 2021

Happy Memorial Day weekend!  

For many of us, this weekend marks the beginning of summer, time to relax and celebrate while honoring the ultimate sacrifice others have made in the name of our country.  And... Holiday weekends tend to encourage behaviors that we later regret. You know...

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Springtime Wild Chickweed Pesto chickweed recipes spring wild weeds Mar 28, 2021

"The flavor of chickweed is pure spring vitality that tastes like green sunshine... it is plentiful, mild in flavor, and delicately succulent" - Katrina Blair The Wild Wisdom of Weeds 

With the arrival of Spring, the earth is coming back to life and offering us nutrition and medicine.


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Soup, the Secret for Getting Through Winter ayurveda dosha imbalance recipes spring vata winter Feb 07, 2021

It's been a rough winter for many of us and we’re only half way through. As we move through the winter and begin to yearn for the spring, we can look to the wisdom of

Ayurveda (Ayur=life, Veda= Wisdom) to understand how to manage the cold and dampness of late winter. In Ayurveda, Winter is...

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Cookbooks for a healthier YOU! ayurveda cookbook medicinal food recipes Dec 15, 2019

Cookbooks for a healthier YOU!!

Cookbooks are the best! Especially when they have wonderful pictures and help you understand how to eat for each season and your specific constitution. 

One awesome thing about Ayurvedic Cookbooks is that every single one that I have ever come across has a...

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Butternut Bliss autumn cookbook digestion recipes Sep 29, 2019

Autumn brings root veggies and winter squashes to the table. As the evenings cool, eating soup for dinner is one of the best things you can do for your digestion and sleep.  
Soups are easy to digest because all the ingredients have been cooked together and are already partially broken down....

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Go Wild With Greens! herbs recipes spring May 05, 2019

Nature is constantly providing the remedies we need for each season. Springtime is when we need to flush out the liver and rekindle the digestive fire. Great concepts, but how do we achieve such goals? Wild greens!

Do you know what wild abundance is growing right outside your door?

Here in the...

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Listening to my Daddy congestion medicinal food recipes self-care Jan 29, 2017

I was driving home from Asheville last Sunday, after participating in the Women's March, and had some time to chat with my parents. They were concerned to learn that I had come down with a hard cold and was not feeling well. My dad, ever the believer in kitchen remedies and food as medicine (I...

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Wonderfully Warming Winter Tea digestion kapha pitta recipes self-care vata winter Jan 29, 2017

When the world around you is cold, warm up your body, digestive system and mind with this tea.

Wonderfully Warming Winter Tea BOOST YOUR AGNI (YOUR DIGESTIVE FIRE)

In a pot combine: 1 quart water 2 large slices of fresh ginger 6 cardamom pods 5 cloves pinch cayenne powder 1 t. dried licorice...

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